Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Urgency Hypothesis

Urgency hypothesis makes complete sense to me. Most people try to be polite and socially appropriate, but when there is a lack of time, they often resort to more direct means. For example, I was standing in line waiting to buy some food at Costco’s food court when this woman cut in front of the line. Apparently she was late for a birthday party and she needed the pizzas right away. I assume she is normally not so rude, but being late for the party made her goal of getting the pizzas right away more urgent, so she had to be as effective as possible. She was lucky that no one complained or made a big deal out of it, but sometimes I think what’s done in the name of efficiency can backfire. For example, there could have been a big guy who argued with her for ten minutes, which would have undermined her intent to be effective.

1 comment:

Rock N Roll said...

I agree with your post. Like the saying goes “desperate times calls for desperate measures”. Since the lady was already running late, I can understand where she is coming from. She basically did not want to waste anymore time in waiting and just had to resort to a less efficient strategy by cutting in line and not even being aware of what problems that could cause. I think she is very lucky that no one was complaining because that would just make her even more late.

Overall, I think the urgency hypothesis was interesting to read about and it was something we all can probably relate to.